Tuesday, 17 June 2014 13:49


Additional Info

  • ID Code: G2-08
  • Purpose: Demonstrate amplitude "jumps" and resonance hysteresis in Duffing's equation.
  • Description: The clamped hacksaw blade with a magnet and mirror attached to its free end is a non-linear oscillator. A laser reflected off the mirror is used as an indicator of the motion. Driving the oscillator with a Wavetek sine generator using a small coil one can observe: (1) sudden changes in amplitude as the frequency is very slowly changed, and (2) hysteresis in the oscillation amplitude at a given frequency, which depends on whether the frequency is being increased or decreased. The frequency can be most readily measured with a digital meter measuring the period of the driving sine wave.
  • Availability: Available
Read 2415 times Last modified on Wednesday, 29 July 2020 13:49
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