Tuesday, 10 June 2014 12:29


Additional Info

  • ID Code: C2-51
  • Purpose: Plot graphs of position, velocity, and acceleration
  • Description:

    The ultrasonic range detector is used with a computer to plot graphs of position, velocity, and acceleration. Linear motion can be created by a person walking along a line in front of the ultrasonic ranger. A large piece of styrofoam sheet can be used as a reflector for the ultrasound, to keep the curves as smooth as possible. Graphs of x, v, and a can be easily displayed individually or in any combination.

    The graphs of position and velocity are quite nice, but the acceleration can be a bit noisy, because it is obtained by differentiation of the position vs. time data. Try this before class.

  • Availability: Available
  • Loc codes: C2, FS1
Read 2598 times Last modified on Wednesday, 05 August 2020 13:58
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