  • Welcome to Spring 2025!
  • Demo Highlight: Convection With High & Low Candles
  • Demonstration Highlight: Inertial Reference Frame
  • Demo Highlight: Ring and Disc on Inclined Plane
  • Demonstrations
  • New Resource: Directory of Simulations
  • New Resource: Demonstration Video Channel
  • Visit the UMD COVID-19 Dashboard
  • Physics is Phun: Flight

Welcome to 2025! We at the Lecture Demonstration Facility are looking forward to working with you in the spring semester.

We appreciate as much advance notice of demonstrations as you can give; but at a minimum, please remember to order your demonstrations before the order cutoff deadline: For morning classes, before 1PM the previous working day; for afternoon classes, before 4AM the day of the class. Where possible, we appreciate having the orders at least one full working day ahead, to ensure plenty of time to make sure everything is ready for you. As always, we’ll meet with you before your class to go over the demos and make sure everything is ready to be used effectively and safely.

Here's to a great semester!

The behaviour of gases as they're heated and cooled can be confusing, but is really important to understanding a lot of things in daily life, from the weather outside to heating a house to designing power plants... or simply to how candles burn. Demonstration I2-45: High & Low Candles in a Cylinder gives us an example of this.

 I2-45: Two small candles burn inside a clear plastic cylinder. One sits at table height, the other is elevated on a slim metal pedestal.

Read more on the Physics LecDem Blog!



Welcome back! Today we’re taking a look at a popular demonstration related to the concept of relativity.

 When we observe and measure motion, we are inevitably making the measurement against some frame of reference. An inertial reference frame is the technical term for a frame of reference in which an object is observed to have no outside forces acting on it, so that it is moving freely in space. Sometimes we have to go to great lengths to determine what such a frame of reference might be – and in the case of Demonstration P1-02, it is literally a metal frame!

 Demonstration P1-02: The Inertial Reference Frame, a large aluminum framework with a mounted winch to lift it.

Read more about this exciting demonstration and how it can be used in class in our latest blog post.

In recent years, the classic term “moment of inertia” has started to be largely retired in favor of the more descriptive “rotational inertia;” likely a good choice, as “moment” has long since ceased to have any non-time-related usage in everyday English. But call it what you will, it can be a challenging concept for beginning students to wrap their heads around.

Demonstration D2-01: Ring and Disc on Inclined Plane is a useful illustration for clarifying this concept. Two objects of similar mass and radius, a metal ring and a solid wooden disc, are placed on an inclined plane with no initial velocity. As they are accelerated by gravity, the disc quickly outpaces the ring. You can invite students to make a prediction ahead of time about their behaviour, presenting it as a race between the two objects, and invite them to discuss the results afterwards.

A wooden disc and a metal ring sit on a table next to a wooden ramp

Read more on our blog!


In support of most classes moving to an online model this year, the Lecture-Demonstration staff are doing our part to help connect you to resources you need for teaching remotely. As one part of this project, we have begun compiling a Directory of Simulations from around the internet, organized by general area of physics. Find it under the Tools and Resources menu above, or click the image below.

Sample subsection titles: Electricity & Magnetism Simulations, Mathematics Simulations, Optics Simulations, Oscillations & Waves Simulations, Quantum Simulations, Thermodynamics & Statistical Mechanics Simulations

There are a tremendous number of simulations out there, that folks have been creating for years. We’re testing them out, choosing ones that we can confirm currently work (always a question as internet technology marches on) and that seem useful for our department’s classes. As of this posting, we have just over fifty simulations collected. Our initial focus has been on physics that is hard to demonstrate in the classroom, or experiments that are difficult to present as static pictures or live video.

This project is ongoing! As we continue to explore we will be adding more subjects and more demonstrations per subject. We also invite recommendations! If you have a favourite simulation, let us know (email lecdemhelp at so we can check it out and add it to the directory.

We’ll have more new projects posted soon; watch the site for news!


In our ongoing work to support remote teaching, we are pleased to announce a new resource. Over the summer of 2020, a Teaching Innovation Grant helped to create our new Demonstration Videos. These can be used for remote, hybrid, and in-person classes to present demonstrations in conjunction with class engagement questions.

The videos have their own YouTube channel, linked both here and on the Tools & Resources Menu above; check them out today!


Science is all about data, and our current pandemic is no different. 

Be sure to check the UMD COVID-19 Dashboard for the latest campus data and links to reopening plans and  proper safety procedures.

Keep Terps Safe - UMD COVID Public Dashboard


The next Physics is Phun is coming down the runway!

Join us Friday, March 7th, and Saturday, March 8th, at 7:00 PM for Physics is Phun: The Physics of Flight! as we explore the physics of aerodynamics.

Please register using this form.

Physics is Phun Physics of Flight 2025

LecDemBlog (maintopa)

One of our most popular electromagnetism demonstrations is J6-01: Electromagnet With A Bang! We discussed this demonstration in a previous highlight article. But now, you can see it in action in this new video with Landry Horimbere.

A massive block of steel is suspended by an electromagnet, courtesy of a single D-cell flashlight battery. When the switch is flipped to open the circuit, the electromagnet turns off, and the block falls dramatically to the table.

The operation of an electromagnet is based on the discovery that an electrical current generates a magnetic field as it flows through a conductor. By grouping many conductors together in a coil, arranged so that their fields align, we can sum their individual electromagnetic fields into a much stronger one. Thus, we can create a strong electromagnet even from a relatively weak current.

You can also try this out at home and in the classroom with this updated magnet simulator from the PhET collection at the University of Colorado.

 PhET EM simulator screenshot

The simulator has both permanent magnet and electromagnet options. Flip to the electromagnet tab; you should see, as in the screencap above, a battery connected to a coil, with many magnetic field indicators all around. Controls in the margin let you adjust the number of loops in the coil, and a slider lets you vary the voltage. Both the large magnetic compass and the magnetic field meter can be dragged around the screen to measure at different points. You can also swap the battery out for an AC power supply. Try it out!