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K2-42 LENZ'S LAW - MAGNET IN ALUMINUM TUBE 10 years 7 months ago #484

  • zzfixk21
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ID Code: K2-42
Purpose: Demonstrates Lenz's law
Description: Two arrays of magnets, containing five strong disc magnets each with small aluminum spacers between the magnets, are dropped through a vertical aluminum tube. One set, having its poles North-to-South, has very little external field, and falls very quickly through the tube. The other set, having its poles arranged North-to-North, then South-to South, etc., has a large external field. As it falls it induces large currents in the aluminum tube. According to Lenz's law, these currents interact with the falling magnet array so as to oppose its (falling) motion, and the array takes several seconds to fall about two meters through the tube. A simple aluminum rod is included for comparison.
Availability: Available

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