The University of Maryland Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award recognizes faculty who have done exceptional work in research and education. It is granted to only a few faculty every year across the whole university.

This year, Physics Professor Michelle Girvan has been named a Distinguished Scholar-Teacher. Her research is interdisciplinary and explores complex systems and network science, an outgrowth of her background in biophysics. Five years ago, she was named a Fellow of the American Physical Society for her work in the statistical physics of complex networks.

In recent years, she has drawn attention for her work with COMBINE (Computation and Mathematics for Biological Networks, where their studies of network epidemiology have been applicable to understanding the spread of COVID-19.


On Tuesday, December 13, Prof. Girvan presents her DST Lecture: Machine Learning for Forecasting Complex Systems.


You can learn more about Dr. Girvan’s work in this recent episode of the podcast Relatively Uncertain:


Over the years, several UMD Physics faculty have been named Distinguished Scholar-Teachers.

You can find a full list of Physics recipients at